
时间:2022-01-13 13:25:18 来源:网友投稿


D: Good evening, honorable ["ɑn?r?b!] judges, distinguished[d?"st??gw??t] guests, dear teachers and all my fellow["f?lo] schoolmates, welcome to the English party of the first English Art Festival. D: We all have learned English as a second language for several years, it opens a window for us to understand the western world.

B: Besides ,Culture stands for a nation’s ideology(aidi"?l?d?i), while language provides us the way to express ourselves

D:Our English Art Festival aims at arising our students" English learning interest and enthusiasm [?n"θjuz?,?z?m], strengthening students" practical ability of using English, enriching their extracurricular[,?kstr?k?"r?kj?l?] life in the high school, enhancing[?n"h?ns] the campus["k?mp?s] cultural atmosphere.

D: But now, please enjoy yourselves. Tonight, we will have a fantastic celebration of the good friendship and good spirits that can last not only a while, but a life time.

All: Have a wonderful evening everybody



We live in the same world, each one has a close connection with the others. We shall make a better future for both you and me. If you believe, there is no way we can fall. Our lives will be stronger and free. Well, coming up next is a song written by Machieal Jackson, and performed by the students from Class 23. Ladies and gentlemen, let?s enjoy---We are the world!



Everyone has rights to pursue [p?"sju:, -"su:] dreams.

And we hope our dreams will take us where the skies are blue.

Overseas from coasts to coasts. To find a place I love the most.

Where the fields are green to see once again.

NOW. class 11 is wel comed to sing an English song for us. “Coast to coast"



Life is a road full of thistles ["θisl]

Life is a river full of torrential [t?"ren??l, t?:-, t?-]waves

Life is the biggest challenge everyone has to face

But life is so wonderful because you raise me up,and you let me on your shoulders.

So I can reach more than I can be.

Now it?s time for the song You Raise Me Up from class 3.



When we met, we were still ignorant and innocent. Happy old time files, we gradually become mature .

our dreams. Let?s be together forever.



I bet all of you are familiar with the Plants VS ["v?:s?s] Zombies (植物大战僵尸) , Right ?

But have you ever heard of dead bodies that can dance? I?m sure the trees and dead bodies today will refresh your memories and speed your heart beat

Next, we are going to appreciate the fantasy performance from class 8.



In everybody?s memory, there was a huge dream liner on the Atlantic ocean. She was the biggest dream. And for everyone, she is a big dream, but in fact, she was just a dream, the dream of the ocean. We would wake up, and the dream would go pass. She belonged to the ocean, and at last, she came back, but "my heart will go on".



If you"re alone and helpless, you should release the stress in your heart.

Through a storm and through a lonely night, you can run away but you cannot hide .

You must face the difficulty strongly and never give up.

The bright future belongs to you.

Let?s enjoy the song Cry On My Shoulder from class 20.

NO. 8


Here I am, this is me. Let?s fix our eyes on the stage, class 16?s students are going to show you their colorful school life.-------<>.



What do you want to be in the future? What?s the job you like best? Doctor, actor, lawyer, or a singer? You can just be the one you want to be . And you can do something useful to the society. Now, let?s see what we will be in the future.

Please enjoy the song Be You Wanna Be from Class 5.



2012 London Olympic Games will be held soon. Some of us want to watch it. There is a chance, our vice headmaster Mr. Li Gang is choosing someone to go with him. What interesting stories will happen then? Let?s see what they are doing! Next program 《刚哥带我看

Young and innocent ["in?s?nt], we often think about tomorrow, we are always wondering what we will become in the future.

Do not worry about what life could bring to us, just believe in yourself, and you can be the one you want to be.

Tonight, just take us to your heart.

We believe our liveliness will inspire you!

Please enjoy the next program, two English songs …Peerless?["pi?lis] and …Take me to your heart, performed by class 2.

NO. 12


When I am down, you sit by my side.

When I have trouble, you show me your hand.

When I feel so weary and restless, you raise me up.

I"ve got a strong belief in my heart that I can achieve my dreams.

I am reaching for the stars.

I will be standing on the top of the world.

I believe I can do it.

I will never give up my dreams.

Let"s enjoy two songs from class 22:

NO. 13


Everybody here, we all know that it is the last time we share the stage. So if there"s a chance, we should grab it. And when you leave, you?ll always remember tonight, and you will say: I felt wonderful that night.

Yes, tonight is wonderful.



Dreams of youth will drive away all the despair;

Hopes lead us to see the bright stars.

On the way to the future road, just be yourself;

Hold on, until the last moment, you will see the most beautiful scenery in the world.

It?s time for class 21.



The best time is a nod of appreciation, The touching moments are pictures of us sweating profusely [pr?"fju:sli], The typical youth is when giggling ["ɡiɡl] and making fun but the shinning stars are standing on the stage. Let?s welcome the sequence of songs from class 18.

Most of us were ever moved by a song named from the movie,in which the huge ship crashed into the ocean more than one hundred years ago.

Here,let’s enjoy the specific style of music,which was presented by a very moving song named .



We believe all of you have read the fairy tale THE EMPEROR?S NEW CLOTHES ,in the story the emperor blindly trusted the two tailors , because he was afraid of becoming old and his vanity , are you someone like the emperor ? Let?s wat ch the drama performed by Class 15.



How time flies! We are all around the corner of the senior grade 3, in just nearly 30 days. Think back our previous school lives. How interesting, exciting, unforgettable and worthwhile! Now , we are all here at the important gate of our future; which is a big challenge for you and me , so are you ready for our new coming days?



Who is always by your side when your sky is grey and blue?

Who is through the period of time in school when you are feeling sweet or alone?

To cry or to smile , with happiness or with tears ,it is the classmates who are right beside us ,it is the true friends who make our youth brighter and more colorful . In spite of the difficulties and frustrations of the moment, they do make our days, and we stay here together, we are one!

Now, please enjoy the drama accompanied English songs and speech from Class.1“We are one”. NO.20




In this era of peace

Please don?t forget the fear and the helplessness we once faced

Let us embrace the world, believe we can create a better tomorrow

Not just for the present, not just for now, but also for the future

We are the world, we are the children

I will follow him

follow him wherever he may go,and near him I always will be

for nothing can keep me away

He is my destiny

I will follow him

ever since he touched my heart I know

there isn"t an ocean too deep

a mountain so high it can keep me away

away from his love

Next is the song “I will follow him” by class ninetee n.


B:Happy time goes by in a flash! Our party is coming to the end,but beautiful memories will last forever

D:to some degree, this evening, not only belongs to those who are winners in the competitions, it also belongs to every student who loves English ,who loves insightful meaning of culture.

B: This stage, at the same time, is not the end of the English Art Festival, it is also a new beginning on our endless journey of English learning

D: Last,let?s thank all of you----- our teachers----- thanks for sponsoring ["sp?ns?] the party; we appreciate the opportunities you offered .

D:My dear friends,the first English Art Festival concluded successfully .Thank you for your coming

(A,B,C,D):see you next year!

推荐访问:艺术节主持词 英语 艺术节 节目

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