
时间:2022-05-31 17:16:01 来源:网友投稿

摘 要:惯性制导系统在制导炮弹中有着极其重要的作用,其中,微机械陀螺仪作为惯性制导系统的核心器件,其抗高过载能力直接制约着惯性制导系统在抗高过载环境中的应用。首先,对炮射膛内高过载环境进行了建模和量化,概括了微机械陀螺结构的高过载失效机理。其次,结合国内外相关机构公开发表的研究成果,从微机械陀螺仪的抗高过载特性的角度出发,介绍了不同测控方式、不同结构形式、不同结构材料、不同工作原理的微机械陀螺仪的抗冲击能力。最后,对相关报道和论文进行了总结和归纳,提出应从驱动-检测方式、合理的吸能释能结构配置、工作原理、新型结构材料、多级系统缓冲等方面设计和改进高过载微机械陀螺结构,以提高陀螺的抗高过载能力。


中图分类号:TP212 文献标志码:A


Abstract:Inertial guidance system plays a very important role in guided artillery. Micro electro mechanical system (MEMS) gyroscope, as the core component of inertial guidance system, has high resistance to overload and restricts the application of inertial guidance system in high overload environment directly. First of all, the high overload environment in the gun chamber is modeled and quantified, and the mechanism of high overload failure of the MEMS gyro structure is summarized. Secondly, based on the previous public research results from different institutes at home and abroad, the anti-high overload MEMS gyroscopes with different monitoring methods, different structural forms, different structural materials and different working principles are introduced from the perspective of anti-overload characteristics of MEMS gyroscopes impact resistance. Finally, the related reports and papers are summarized, and it is pointed out that the anti-high overload MEMS gyroscope should be designed from the aspects of drive-detection mode, reasonable structure of energy-absorbing and energy-dissipating structure, working principle, new structural material and multi-level system buffer methods to improve the anti-high overload ablility.

Keywords:sensor technology; high overload; MEMS gyroscope; comb capacitance; four antinodes vibration; silicon material

目前,常規武器(如火炮,坦克炮)和新型动能武器(如电磁轨道炮)弹药发射后的角速度信息测量是一个公认的难题。究其原因主要是角速度传感器件很难经受高过载环境的冲击,高过载过程对传感器的破坏作用主要有两条途径:一是惯性力的直接冲击,二是高过载产生的应力波对结构的破坏。弹药在发射过程中,炮弹要经历巨大的过载作用以加速到预期的发射初速度,该过载过程的幅度峰值可达20 000g以上(g为重力加速度,下同),作用时间在数十毫秒以内。例如,155 mm榴弹炮在发射过程中产生的最大过载脉冲幅度为20 000g,持续时间5 ms[1];电磁炮发射过程炮弹所受最大过载幅度为40 000g以上,炮口初速度可达到7马赫[2-3]。通过在炮弹中增加惯性制导模块的方法可为弹道修正提供基准,有效提高弹药的命中精度[4]。因此,很多发达国家已经开展了常规弹药的制导升级工作,并为新型动能武器弹药研制相关的惯性制导模块[2],其中,美国高级研究计划局(DARPA)更是把抗高过载陀螺仪作为关键器件之一列在了μPNT计划中[5]。


推荐访问:陀螺仪 过载 微机 综述 研究

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